Posted by: Jan | October 26, 2009

5th Chemo on board

Greetings. Chemo #4 turned out to make for a very rough two weeks, but I was well enough to get Chemo #5 this past Friday and I”m amazed to only have THREE dosages left! A big thanks to my neighbor Jim for escorting me to Spokane and providing great music for the scenic, backroads drive.

I’m now on Taxol, a different medicine than the first 4. It has its own peculiar side effects that have come to visit me sooner than the doctor predicted. These are pain/numbness in hands and feet and bone aching. This means that Luis will be doing lots of dishes in addition to cooking. On the bright side, my cancer care coordinator tells me that folks that experience strong side effects  statistically get the most benefit from the chemo, so I have that as a wonderful consolation, since indeed, I’ve had LOTS of side effects.

The highlight of the past few days was getting to see Luis perform in a reading of a Chekhov play with the Pullman Civic Theatre–he was REALLY good as Ivan Lomov! Thanks, kind folks, for checking in and hanging in there with me through this. Best wishes to all of you.


  1. Jan — I think about you all the time, and am sending lots of love and healing energy. Great news about the surgery date, and your body’s responses to the chemo (unpleasant as they are) tells me that you’re a brave and formidable fighter. Love from Adam too. Gina

    • How great to hear from you, Gina. I hope all is going well. Love to you and Adam. xxx

  2. My sweet, super strong, Jan
    Yes, I remember the Taxol.. I couldn’t walk up or down stairs w/out feeling like I was 90 w/ brittle bones…even just holding a cup hurt… good news it all gets better. I was dying to live, that’s kinda how I saw it, ( I believe that was the drug that did major things to my estrogen, not sure ) and living for fresh blueberries, went through at least 6 five pound boxes of em, would eat, go to bed, read, then in the jaccusi, eat, bed, read, jaccussi. Man I ached.
    Be strong, ride out the tough times w/ whatever soothes you ( wish I could send the berries to you ) STAY CLEAR OF GERMS, wear masks if you go out…uch. I remember a cold I got 1/2 way in and it just hung at the same degree for a month and 1/2 ( the nurses considered me warned enough when I cried, it was, she’s crying, she can go ) never failed either, every time, they’d scare me to crying and let me go. In the summer it was easier to be clear of germs, so please be careful. If your nurses aren’t scaring you to tears, then as far as mine are concerned, they aren’t getting their point across. LOL!! One time a new nurse of mine went and got me a packet of nausia meds. to supply til my script came through, then she was to give me “the talk” I started to cry, SHE LICKED!!! THE LIL envelope packet and handed it to me. Held it out like a prize til I cried, then actually licked and sealed it. I thought I was in the “Twilight Zone” WOW
    Hold yourself close and we all will keep you very positive with our good thoughts! If they try to make you cry, tell them the jigs up, Love and soothing rest, and everything you need is there for you , Patty

    • Thanks Patty! I’m feeling pretty good the past few days. The aching has decreased. No colds. Much love to you. xx

  3. Only 3 to go, woo hoo! Soon 2009 will be behind you and you’ll have a new year full of blessings and joys. What a great spirit you have, I so admire you.

    We are all thinking of you!

    • Thanks so much. I’m looking for a surgery date! (Well a date for my surgery) xx

  4. I can’t wait to see you. I arrive in Lewiston Nov 3rd. We hope to leave on Sat. the 7th. Let us know if we can come visit you so you don’t have to travel. We will do whatever works best for you.
    All my love to you, Shelley

    • I’m planning on driving down to see you and Anna since you’ll be busy packing. I can’t wait to see you! xxx

  5. That’s one helluva hump to be over, but you’re on the good side of it now!


  6. Mi amiga,

    Good to hear the end of chemo is in sight & that it’s going acc. to plans. Thanks again for updating us on yr progress. Keep yr chin, strength and spirits up. Thinking of you every day and sending the good vibes to you, too. Love to you & Luis!

    • Thanks. Hope all is well in the Big Apple today. Thanks for sending the Public Option petition! Best to you and KT. xxx

  7. Hi Jan (and Luis),
    Thanks for creating this site and letting us know how things are going. Phil gives me updates, but i like the details. Congrats on the “go ahead” and good luck on the new drug. I am thinking good, healthy, healing thoughts and sending them through the cosmos to you! Hope I get to see you when i am in town on Nov 14 & 15th. Much love dear friends, Jeannie

    • Hi! Wonderful to hear from you; we will definitely see you here in November. I’ll be checking in with Phil very soon. Very best to you and much love. xx

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