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  1. Hola Jan,
    Just talked to Karen and got an update on your present. Thinking of you and grateful for your good progress. Lots of love to you. I’m off to dig Jerusalem artichokes. Lindy

  2. Excellent news, just excellent!! Enjoy some much deserved R&R in sunny California.
    Wishing you a phenomenal 2010!
    Mary (Vicki’s buddy from Lewistion/Boise)

  3. Hi, Jan–
    wishing you a wonderful Christmas! Much to be grateful for. Was so hoping I could see you at Phil’s shindig but we were flattened by the flu and highly contagious. Twas not in the cards despite my heart’s yearning. We are here for the holidays, all our kids home. I am always thinking about you and sending you the best. with our love, Cheryl and Bill

    • Merry Christmas Jan, and Happy New Year . I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and am so glad to hear that you are doing well. I would love to
      hear from you when you have time , and will keep you in my thoughts.
      Much love,
      1321 Lowerline St.
      N.O. La. 70118

  4. Poppi has a dancing snowman (over 4′ tall!!) in his apartment. The staff love it. So does Poppi. Everytime he sees it, he laughs (which is fairly often since it’s sitting at the window end of his smallish living room).
    CONGRATULATIONS on completing the chemo round.
    We love you. Can’t wait to get over there!
    Hosting the Food Bank Board Holiday potluck tonight!!
    Our tree is kinda goofy. But, nothing a few thousand lights can’t fix.
    Love and kisses,

    • Can’t wait to have you here–you will be instrumental in my swift recovery for sure. Laughter is what I need! LOVE ALWAYS.

  5. Last Damned Chemo Day!! Whoo-hoooooooooo!

    This is a wonderful day: good medication doing its job, and pretty soon you’ll be feeling faboo (to go along with looking and generally *being* faboo)!!

    Safe travels (I hope you guys are still doing lunch before), and a peaceful weekend: you deserve it!


    • Thanks much!

  6. I see that you are scheduled for your last chemo session this week. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I heard second hand that you are still strong and are maintaining your positive attitude.
    Good luck, best wishes. Chris

    • Thanks Christopher. So nice to hear from you.

  7. Here are a couple of fun videos that I hope will make you smile:

    Story that came with the youtube video:
    Our daughter-in-law, Emily (MacInnes) Somers, reated, directed and choreographed this in Portland last week for her Medline glove division as a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness. This was all her idea to help promote their new pink gloves. I don’t know how she got so many
    employees, doctors and patients to participate, but it started to really catch on and they all had a lot of fun doing it.
    Ann Somers

  8. Hello Jan
    I am hoping your day today is going as best as it can be.
    I also hope I didn’t come across last email as ungrateful. I didn’t mean to seem that way. I just saw the beautiful and hilarious of my plight.
    I would not have replaced anyone that was in my circle of help, they were all angels. I am blessed by everyone that I came in contact with during my healing.
    I am a lucky person and know you feel that way too.
    My hair left me for a while, most came back strong, ( wow, it is different for everyone, ) my leg hair came slowly, and my eyebrows never really left, head hair came back as a different color, and eyelashes are still working on their length ( I haven’t given up on them ). The hormones are also a factor, and a big one. I opted ( actually could not take the estrogen blockers ) to allow my hormones to recover, and am going through another menopause, which makes me laugh too! I am happy to say it is a good life, and know you will/am feeling that too.
    Please forgive me if I seemed ungrateful with stories of the angels that brought me to my life through and health after. I am grateful for the smiles and laughs, and heartfelt healing of all my supporters! I had allot!!
    All the best to you! Big hugs and thank you again for allowing your story to be seen by us all that want to send you our love! I do!, Patty

    • Thanks Patty. xx

  9. Jan!!
    Anne forwarded the link to me today. We’ve been too long out of touch, my friend.

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
    I love reading about the human side of your experience (leg hair remains–the nerve!).
    The predominant themes in your posts are courage, humor and grace. I would expect no less from such a spirit.

    Sending you love and healing,

    When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful. ~Barbara Bloom

    • INCREDIBLE and wonderful to hear from you! Thanks. I will be in touch with you. We must catch up! xxx

  10. Hey there Sugar,
    I’ve been thinking of you and hoping the treatment wasn’t too tough on you so today I surfed on over to the blog to check in. So sad to hear that it has been very difficult. You are showing a great deal of courage and I feel every confidence that you, will the help of your great doctors and staff, are going to be just fine. As always, if there is anything I can do, holler. In the meantime, stay beautiful and positive. Luis, thank you very much for taking such incredible care of Jan. You are a keeper!

    • Thanks Heather! Feeling pretty good the past few days. xxx

  11. Congrats on making it over halfway! That light at the end of the tunnel is a great contrast to the nasty weather and icky side effects. Like Karen, I look forward to seeing you spring semester (I’m back teaching then). And I share her affection for your hat. Very jolly. You are sunshine itself!


    • Thanks Candy. It will be great to see you. xx

  12. It’s been awhile since I came here to see how you were. What a change! Halfway through chemo, no hair, and you still have a beautiful smile on your face! I’ll use you as inspiration in these last few weeks of the semester when I begin to wear down and get tired.

    I just returned from the Society for the Study of American Women Writers. The conference was held in Philly and I made it a quick 2-night conference. My next conference is the National Women’s Studies Association conference in Atlanta. I’m excited to hear Angela Davis, who is the keynote!

    Next semester I’m going to NALS and NAISA. Do you think you’ll be well enough to attend either or both of them? It would be great to see you, but I’m sure you’ll need to keep yourself away from crowds while you heal.


    • Wonderful to hear from you, you travelin’ woman, you. I am planning on NAISA (Native American & Indigenous Studies Assoc) but not NALS (Native American Literature Symposium), unfortunately, due to health and very limited travel funds. Let me know if you have a panel idea for NAISA. I’m really looking forward to it! xx

  13. Great to see you and Baby in the neighborhood the other day–Jane and I are thinking of you. It was encouraging to see how focused and positive you are about all this–all best,

    • Thanks much. Very good to see your smiling face as well! xx

  14. thinking of you, sending you huge hugs,

    • Thanks, and thanks for the nice phone call last night. xx

  15. Hello darlin’, you have some work to do…you have to cross last week’s appointment off the list and marvel at how few of these nasty things are still in the offing…and how much you have endured. Feel good about getting this far, and know that the finish line is very very close (typed “finish live” at first, which is a pretty good goal unto itself!)


    • Hi! Thanks for the good note. I am thrilled to have only 3 left–seems incredible. And I am definitely going to cross the finish line very live!!! Best to you and TD. Hope to see you 11/7 at Jim’s benefit. Can’t wait to hear your band, Tom. xx

  16. Hi Jan
    Love your hat ….love Luis’ hat….you know, you two look pretty good bald. I’m sorry to hear you had a bad patch and had to spend time in the hospital, but it’s good to know you are half way through!

    Trip to Yakima sounds so wonderful. I can’t wait to see you in the halls in the English department where we can share teacher stories.

    Love you and best wishes

    • Thanks. I’m visualizing Spring semester. Look forward to seeing you. xx

  17. Hello! Beautiful Lady! My old saddle pal and sister from the South country!
    Dear sweet smiling friend Jan!
    I am sorry you are going through this trial! UCK…
    So much to catch up with, as I just today learned you boarded the train. From what I read, looks like you caught it well in time. I am so grateful for that fact.
    Enrich your spirit with the beauty you have and keep up the healing, grounding and lovely work with your writing. It is so good to allow people the chance to give you their love this way.
    I STILL have the awesome card you sent me, with the dog and HEAL! inside. It ACTUALLY WAS my favorite. Very strong, and simply put, made it easy to do. And I did, You will too.
    I LOVE your meadow WOW
    Thank you for this chance to tell you what a really choice piece of work I have always thought you to be! Everything about you is worth the world of meadows! Here’s to your Health and Bright Spirit! If ever I can help, give you anything, Please let me know! Always, your old friend, Patty

    • Thank you Patty–how truly WONDERFUL to hear from you. ‘Hope you are doing well! xxxxx

  18. Hi Jan, What a wonderful picture and amazing trip to Yakima! It was great catching up with you last night. You are half way there sweetie, moving ever closer to being restored to health.
    much love, Vicki

    • Thank you. xxx

  19. Thinking about you today. I’m going to Index with GNO tonight. We’ll toast you. Gary, Soph and I are sending strong, powerful love to you.

    • Thank you dear sister for your posts! I LOVE you so much! xx

  20. Am at work. Was feeling less than excited about getting to it and decided I needed to look at you. Your blog, your friends, your smiling face make me feel better. Thanks. I know I’m supposed to be sending messages of support for you; but I want you to know what an inspiration you are to me. Hell, if you’re there dealing with cancer with grace and courage, I should certainly be able to be here dealing with crabby citizens. I love you.


  21. You look so confident and able to pull off the shaved head look so well. Much better than I would be able to. I’m going on a hat or scarf shopping trip soon for the fast approaching cold weather. I would think the breeze on your bare head might be a shock. I hope you are able to feel good enough to continue writing and get ahead on those tasks.
    We have picked a place for mom and will be back to Lewiston the first week in November to move her things. I’m sure she will tell you all about it. Lets plan on getting together then. Never a dull moment in this life! huh? Love you much! Hang in there…..Shelley

  22. Jan — What a great representation this (blog) is of the waves of support that are flowing around you–great not just for you but for everyone here. / Good luck with the next round, and ongoing —

  23. Jan, Your smile is still contageous and makes me smile. I hope that you are as happy as the photographs make you appear!
    I would still like to see you on one of the days you’re in Spokane. Let me know if that is possible. Best wishes and safe journeys. H.S.

  24. Hey, Jan,

    You look just as hot WITHOUT as WITH hair – amazing! (I’m not kidding!)

    Like Candy, I’ve been out of town (out of the country, actually, teaching in Italy) until recently, and somehow I missed the memo. Hope the chemo isn’t TOO rotten. We’re all pulling for you!



  25. Whoa, this was all a total surprise to hear!! (I’ve been out of town much of the summer and not around the office at all.) What a crappy thing for you to have to go through! Your meadow is beautiful–as you are, even without the hair (I loved your hair really short sort anyway, and now, who needs Phil?). I will try to keep up with you on this site, and hope you’ll give a buzz if there’s anything I can do or if you just want to hang out a bit. (I’m not sure if you’re at home or hanging out in Lewiston if you’re getting your chemo there.) Maybe I’ll see you at the pool one of these days–it was roaring crowded this week. A big hug from me.

    • Thanks, Candy. I’m here at home in Moscow and getting treatment at Sacred Heart in Spokane–great folks. I do plan to swim–did once in the shallow pool and it felt great but wiped me out–I did too much to soon (45 min). But the shallow pool is a good place for me. Are you still doing noonish swims? So good to hear from you. xx

      • Good to hear back! I’m going to be trying to swim MWF, but if it’s too crowded I’ll switch. Not being on campus makes parking an issue for me now as it will you. And I’d think you might have to watch being out in public if your immune system is compromised during chemo. At least these days you’ve (we all have) been able to enjoy this gorgeous weather! I’ve walked some in the arboretum and it’s so beautiful, and you’re so close to it. Your meadow pic reminds me the fields there. Maybe it is!

  26. Hola chiquita…hope the lunch before was yummy and ride home afterwards was bump-free and full of the beautiful Palouse!


    • Thanks!

  27. Hi Jan
    I am spending many hours in my new farm fields planting salad greens, beets & sugar snaps (and doing plenty of weeding too!) It is a good time to think about distant pals. Love, M

    • Thanks, Macon. Good to know you’re in the garden. xx

  28. Jan, I am sending you large hugs the night before. Love, Cheryl

    • Thanks. The hugs helped. xx

  29. Jan,
    I was driving back to my office from a meeting in Ballard this morning and noticed all the green along the way – the trees, the plants, the houses and I realized that everytime I see something green I think of you (and then I think of Sophie). Thank you. Now, there’s a powerful connection. And, I’m glad I don’t live in Antarctica.

    love and kisses,

    • Wow! Beautiful. So good to hear from my beloved sister! I’m lying under the lovely green mink/sherpa Sophie gave me. xxxxx

  30. Dear Jan
    I was a really good blog reader for a change, followed the instructions and read the “about” section, the various posts and am amazed. Thank you for sharing all.

    I am really amazed and inspired by the capacity to persevere and the strength and beautiful determination embedded in that smile. I am astonished with the medical lingo, and the realization that unwanted leg hair is so stubborn!! yes, that is really not so fair. I will send extra positive thoughts this friday and throughout the week too.

    I ‘ll keep you in my heart and mind, much love,


    • Thanks Rula!

  31. Best wishes for Friday and onward, Jan! This is a lovely blog and a great way for your many allies to cheer you on & feel updated without worrying, as I have been worrying, that we’ve been pestering you for news. It’s beautiful and indeed another testament to your incredible courage and strength… you’re quite amazing.

    Admiringly, David

    • David–I so appreciate your caring and support. xx jj

  32. Dear Jan,
    I am so sorry, I don’t even know what to say. I am proud of you for being strong and wishing you all the best. I am back in Moscow and I would love to talk to you, or even meet with you if you can. Are you still in Spokane? Hope to hear from you soon, goon news only. Take care. Danielle 🙂

    • Thanks Danielle. Good to hear from you. I’m glad you’re back in Moscow. jj

  33. Hey, you asked about eyebrows a couple of posts ago…yes, they’ll likely go. And eyelashes, and underarm hair…and pubes. The only thing I didn’t lose was my leg hair, which (while I was bald and having to wax my legs) I found a great injustice. But it comes back–I have yet to meet anyone who lost it for good.


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